This is Robyn:

And this is Rachel:

If there is one thing Robyn and Rachel are good at doing, it is eating.
The year that they were roommates, they did copious amounts of eating.
They also made a low-fat flan, which will never be discussed again.

Flan aside, these two are excellent eaters.
They are also, when the occasion warrents, capable of drinking.
Skilled ingestors, these two.
Anyways, after many happy years of eating, Robyn got married and then Rachel got married and then Rachel moved over some water.
Now they live too far apart to do sufficient co-eating.
Luckily for them, there is the internet. Also, blogs.
One of Maggie Mason's (from whom Rachel shamelessly cribbed this idea) life goals is to eat 1000 fruits before she dies. Because she's doing it, it must be cool. Because Robyn and Rachel are only half this cool, they will jointly attempt to eat 1000 fruits before they (collectively) die.
The hastily-cobbled-together rules (such as they are):
1. Tomatoes do not count as fruits.
2. Fruit in question must be tasted and documented by the Fruitective with the following corollary: If Robyn finds herself in potential possession of a RARE AND EXOTIC fruit to which she may be allergic* she has permission to nominate a surrogate taster.
3. Fruit cannot be tasted retrospectively. Rachel cannot go back in time and document the mangosteen from 2006. She must locate a 2009 (or later) mangosteen.
4. Sub-fruit-categories count as different fruits. Par example, a Spartan apple is a different fruit altogether from a Red Delicious apple. However, a Spartan apple that I eat in Wyoming is no different than a Spartan apple that I eat in BC. Similarly, a frozen banana is no different from a fresh banana or a banana chip.
5. Fruits will be ranked in three categories:
- Tastiness (out of 10, 10 being Very Tasty, 1 being Not Very Tasty At All)
- Ease of Extraction (out of 10, 10 being Very Easy to Extract, 1 being Not Very Easy At All)
- Overall Nommability (out of 100, being a product of T x EoE. A pomegranate, while ranking high on the Tastiness scale, would score fairly low on the Ease of Extraction scale, giving it a lower Overall Nommability score)
*Robyn is allergic to all fruits that grow on trees of which you eat the skin. So...oranges are fine because, though they grow on trees, you do not eat the skin. Strawberries are fine, because though you eat the skin, they do not grow on trees. Apples break all available rules, and are therefore Not Fine.
Join us, won't you?
Fruitectives, ha cha cha!